David J Siu

SF Bay Area
[email protected]

SUMMARY As a software engineering leader with 21+ years of experience in the industry, I have three main themes of work that I focus on in all my roles in software development:

  • Discovering and attracting great talent and bringing out the best in people by providing them support through my Servant Leadership management style. I strongly believe in doing everything I can to support team members professionally and personally through the use of regular honest and constructive 360 degrees feedback and through coaching and mentoring.
  • Developing teams to be great at software development by correctly adopting Agile Development, Lean Startup Principles, and the best industry standards and practices. I love to help make the organization's SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) fun, engaging, efficient, safe, and secure through the use of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and the right set of tooling and technology.
  • Helping to improve how Engineering works with leadership, sales, product, and even customers. I strive to find ways to break down barriers, clarify miscommunications, and define processes and practices that help improve and streamline constructive interactions.
Neustar, Inc (Through the acquisition of Aggregate Knowledge, Inc), San Francisco, CA
Roles: Director of Engineering (4.6+ years)
Aug 2013 - May 2018
  • Managed five engineering groups that make up a large part of Neustar's Media Intelligence product line: Media Insights, Actions, Audience, Taxonomy/Onboarding, DMP/Syndication.
  • Modernized the entire frontend and backend development life cycle. Developed a SPA (Single Page Application) frontend infrastructure using AngularJS, Bootstrap, and Gulp to enable rapid and continuous software development. Developed a backend infrastructure using an API First Development approach using RAML (RESTful API Modeling Language) and a Data Model First Development approach with jOOQ (jOOQ Object Oriented Querying).
  • Introduced Scrum and Kanban style agile development processes to multiple engineering groups.
  • Encouraged the adoption of Cucumber as a collaboration tool between Product Management, Engineering, and QA to drive a Test Driven Agile Development approach.
  • Guided the successful adoption of the Continuous Delivery approach to enable multiple deployments per day using a combination of technologies such as Jenkins, Hipchat, S3/Cloudfront, Gitlabs, Gerrit, Karma/Jasmine, and Cucumber.
  • Heavily engaged in recruiting efforts and built several high performing engineering teams that value high-quality and frequent delivery of customer value.
  • Responsible for defining and improving the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) for the entire Neustar organization with a heavy emphasis on areas involving Tooling, Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Configuration, and Deployment Management, PaaS, Security and License compliance, and OSS (Open Source Software) Governance.
Nextag, Inc, San Mateo, CA
Roles: Director of Engineering (2 years)
Engineering Manager (1.75 years)
Lead Software Engineer (1.6 years)
Senior Software Engineer (2 years)
Aug 2011 - Aug 2013
Feb 2010 - Oct 2011
Jul 2008 - Feb 2010
Jul 2006 - Jul 2008
Group - Release Engineering: May 2013 - Aug 2013
  • Managed a team of 2 to modernize the entire development, build, and deployment process.
  • Spearheaded the practice of using Vagrant to speed development by providing a consistent dev environment.
  • Spearheaded the use of Puppet to automatically configure development, build, QA, staging, and production environments.
Group - Mobile Apps: Jul 2012 - Aug 2013
  • Managed a team of 4 through the adoption of Lean Startup principles to launch the Price Machine app for Android.
  • Coached team into a high performing agile group.
  • Spearheaded efforts to adopt Continuous Integration with device-level automated Cucumber tests for iOS and Android applications.
Project - Wize.com: Jul 2012 - Aug 2013
  • Managed a team of 10 to deliver the wize.com site where we attempt to solve the problems of "The Paradox of Choice". (Current site has pivoted away from this concept)
  • Spearheaded company's first adoption of Java Thrift services for use with our Rails frontend.
  • Managed efforts to migrate from MRI Ruby/Unicorn to JRuby/Puma.
Project - Merchant Platform: Apr 2011 - Jul 2012
  • Managed a team of 7 to modernize the existing Merchant Platform.
  • Spearheaded efforts to use Ruby on Rails for the frontend layer.
  • Spearheaded company's first efforts on Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Continuous Deployment with Capistrano, and Test Driven Development with Cucumber.
Project - Nextag Stores: Feb 2010 - Jan 2011
  • Managed a team of 5 to develop and launch Nextag Stores, which enables a marketplace functionality on the Nextag site. Nextag Stores allow merchants to list products on CPA where Nextag acts as the payment provider. Nextag Stores had processed millions in revenue in under a year of going live.
  • Led Nextag Stores through OWASP, PCI Level 3, and PCI Level 1 compliance.
  • Technologies used: Java, Spring, dependency injection, hibernate, Oracle SQL, and AOP.
Project - Mobile: Jul 2008 - Apr 2011
  • Led a team of 4 in developing the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry mobile-optimized versions of the site, which received nearly 6 million visits per month and generated hundreds of thousands in revenue per month.
  • Developed Nextag's first iPhone App. This app allowed users to search and browse consumer products to find the lowest price on our network of thousands of merchants.
  • Ported the zxing barcode scanning library to Objective-C enabling the Nextag Mobile app to perform price checks using the product UPC code.
  • Managed a team of 3 in enhancing the iOS Nextag Mobile App with iPad compatibility, image recognition, local stores, real-time inventory, and list synchronization features.
Project - Real Estate: Jul 2006 - Jul 2008
  • Led a team of 3 in developing the full-featured Nextag Real Estate site with an 80 million home dataset. Featured extensive use of Google Maps, ability to view comparable home values, ability to view school district test results, and ability to view historical home value trends.
  • The site used Java, Lucene, and MySQL to serve SEO optimized content rich pages using DataQuick, TigerLine Census, and public school records.
Personal Initiatives:
  • Successfully pioneered and employed Nextag's first scrum agile development process and have coached numerous high performing teams through their agile transformation.
  • Established wide adoption of standard development tools such as Checkstyle, Findbug, Structure101, and Cobertura Code Coverage. The Nextag Stores group had the highest level of code quality in the company as measured by these tools.
  • Helped teams achieve high unit test and integration test coverage and helped QA teams in automating regression tests.
  • Created a culture of feedback within the teams and encouraged continuous 360-degree feedback.
  • Involved in the recruiting process for all levels of software engineering and QA.
  • Organized quarterly team building events and regular release events.
  • Conducted weekly 1-1s with employees to discuss the day-to-day as well as career building strategies.
  • Actively worked with HR and management to improve the office work environment, company culture, and morale.
IXL Learning, (Formerly known as Quia Corporation), San Mateo, CA
Roles: Development Manager (10 months)
Senior Software Engineer (3 years)
Software Engineer (10 months)
Associate Software Engineer (10 months)
Aug 2005 - May 2006
Aug 2002 - Feb 2005
Oct 2001 - Jul 2002
Jan 2001 - Oct 2001
  • Performed extensive application-level optimizations and SQL query tuning to accommodate growing traffic and more resource intensive applications. Logic optimizations and sophisticated querying techniques allowed rapid growth in user base and feature complexity with minimal hardware upgrades.
  • Developed a fault-tolerant subscription purchasing system utilizing Verisign's credit card processing API.
  • Developed an innovative Flash-based audio conferencing and text chatting system allowing students, instructors, and teacher-assistants to complete web-based real-time foreign language activities. This system also allowed participants to record their conversations for instructor grading.
EDUCATION University of California - Davis, Davis, CA
Degree: B.S. Computer Science and Engineering
Graduation: December 2000
SKILLS Agile Development: Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban, Agile Coaching, Lean Startup
TDD: Cucumber, Jasmine, Karma, Protractor
Languages: Java, SQL, HTML/XML/JavaScript/CSS, Objective-C, Ruby
Frameworks: NodeJS, AngularJS, Spring, Hibernate, Rails, jQuery
Experience: Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, Lucene, Python/Django
Platforms: Linux, Mac, Windows
Certifications: Certified Scrum Master
HOBBIES Running, Racing, Biking, Juggling, Balisong